Portsmouth Municipal Court

Civil Division

The Civil Division of the Portsmouth Municipal Court is open Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M.. - 4:00 P.M.. Evictions and Debtor Examinations are heard at 1:00 P.M., Small Claims are heard at 1:30 P.M., on Wednesdays.

The civil division is responsible for handling general civil cases seeking money judgments: Personal Injury, property damage, contracts, forcible entry and detainer (evictions) and small claims.

You may file a civil action in this Court if the total amount of damages is $15,000.00 or less.


The Court requires that you furnish the original Petition in Forcible Detention and two copies for each defendant (tenant) at the time of filing. You must also file a copy of the Notice to Leave the Premises that was served upon the defendant(s).

Please include your mailing address and a telephone number on your petition where you can be reached during the day.

The Court does not furnish Eviction Forms. However, you can purchase them at an office supply store.

Please be advised, the Court is not permitted to answer any legal questions or assist you in filling out the forms. If you feel you need legal advice, or help in completing the forms, please contact an attorney. We cannot determine if your forms are filled out correctly, but we can advise you that your case may be dismissed if forms are incorrect.

Small Claims

The purpose of Small Claims Court is to resolve minor disputes fairly, quickly, and inexpensively. Small Claims actions cannot exceed $6,000 and are governed by Chapter 1925 of the Ohio Revised Code.

A Citizens Guide to Small Claims Court (2013 edition) is designed to assist in providing information only and should not be relied upon as legal advice.

Civil Department Schedule of Costs outlines the cost of all Civil Actions and Mailing Fees.


Civil Costs Download
Small Claims Filing Fees Download

Forms and Documents for Download

Application by Tenant to Deposit Rent in ESCROW (1 MB)
Application for Trusteeship (5 MB)
Eviction Information (25 KB)
Journal Entry (628 KB)
Order for Examination (1 MB)
Praecipe (520 KB)
Praecipe for Subpoena (2 MB)
Request for Service (32 KB)
Request for Service Small Claims & Civil Complaint (49 KB)
Small Claims Information Sheet (485 KB)
Small Claim Counterclaim Information Sheet (33 KB)